Date of last update 28-June-2024

Millions of Euros30-Apr-202431-May-2024
Assets 78.266,10 79.177,67
Claims on foreign sectors (foreign assets) 34.309,78 35.116,14
Claims of the Bank of Slovenia on central government 12.776,06 12.765,91
Claims of other MFIs on general government 4.384,05 4.408,09
Claims of other MFIs on other non-MFIs 24.926,63 24.971,51
Remaining assets 1.869,58 1.916,02
Liabilities 78.266,10 79.177,67
Obligations to foreign sectors (foreign liabilities) 7.160,65 7.630,26
Banknotes and coins (after 1.1.2007 ECB key) 7.204,72 7.217,52
Contribution of Slovenia to agregates EMU - M1, without currency in circulation 31.645,43 31.667,54
Contribution of Slovenia to EMU agregates - M2, without currency in circulation 38.857,18 38.905,39
Contribution of Slovenia to agregates EMU - M3, without currency in circulation 39.005,61 39.054,16
Other liabilities 24.895,12 25.275,74